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Sunday School
Theological Class
This class is going to consider the person and work of Christ (Christology) through an examination of historical heresies (ie. "bad ideas about Jesus"). This class will seek to seek to create a sense of awe for who Jesus is and how that is practically significant for our faith.
Practical Class
This class is going to be discussing and practicing Spiritual Disciplines which encourage us to abide in Christ as we walk in the Spirit. If you want to learn more about how to develop rhythms in your life for spiritual development and be encouraged by others seeking to do the same, then this is the class for you!
Our goal for each Sunday School class is to foster an environment where you can come together
with others to process the things of God. So as to not overlap in topics, our classes are divided into
one of three categories: theological, practical, and topical. Here is a brief description of the
classes you can register for this semester
(September - December):
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